About Me
About Me
Welcome to Hebridean Weather!
I am Giuseppe, and I have been living in Stornoway since 2016. With the purchase of a professional Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus weather station, I decided it was time to create an online website that could be a little reference point for the Hebrides.
My current occupation is working on various projects related to the world’s largest citizen-based seismograph network. At the same time, my hobbies vary from astronomy to photography, from pc tech to radio ham, and naturally, meteorology.
During my childhood years my interest in the changing weather of my hometown in Italy moved me to build very rudimentary weather instruments, such as a plastic pluviometer and a basic kit thermometer. This passion grew and grew exponentially with the passing of time until reaching the purchase of my old Davis Vantage Pro 1 weather station, which remained active for more than 15 years (3 of them here in Stornoway too!).
The Davis weather station is equipped with many sensors which measure a vast array of variables, listed below:
– Temperature & Relative Humidity
– Atmospheric Pressure
– Rain Accumulation & EvoTranspiration Index
– Wind Direction and Speed
– Solar Radiation – Ultraviolet Index
– Heat Index – Wind Chill
– TSHW Index – Dew Point
The outdoor sensor array (visible on the left) is cabled to an indoor console, and connected via internet to a pc that runs 24/7 (except for maintenance times) and guarantees updated data to be shown on the home page of the website and also in some of the inner pages.
Another external unit, the Davis AirLink, records and provides more data about the Air Quality in Stornoway. The sensors measure the particulates (PM 1, PM 2.5, PM 10) content and instantly calculate the air quality indexes, joining a network of hundreds of similar stations all over the UK and Ireland.
There are also many other available resources, such as animated satellite and precipitation radar maps, current and forecasted Atlantic synoptic charts, the ‘space weather’ conditions for our planet to aid in chasing Lady Aurora’s lights, and the current warnings and advisories for the country.
Last but not least, a self-produced and updated three-day high-resolution weather forecast model (WRF) which covers the entirety of Scotland, together with raw global forecast model (GFS) output for the week ahead, covering Europe and the UK & Ireland regions. This will significantly help provide an accurate forecast with two daily model runs that will display what the weather could be like in the near future.
Thank you for the time you took in reading this, and I hope you will like this little work of mine.
If you want to, share it with whomever you wish, online and not.